Monday, February 22, 2010

Valentine's Day

Beet Picking

After Ulpan today (Feb 14), all the participants had the option to volunteer at an animal shelter, picking vegetables on a Kibbutz, or if fluent in Hebrew, accompanying children in a cancer ward. I chose to be a farmer for the day. Just south of Tel Aviv a rich lawyer owns farmland where he grows fruits and vegetables for the needy. Everything is donated to an organization which also picks up leftovers from restaurants and events and distributes food nationwide through a logistics center. (If I had known about this company, I would have been interested in interning there.) About 30 of us picked beets for 2 hours… 2.5 tons of beets! It was enough to fill a truck bed. We even stole some handpicked citrus for home. Yum.

Wish I Knew Hebrew

That evening I had to go to the cell phone store to replace my phone. I got a number and waited on a couch with my net book and wifi so it wasn’t too bad… Until some guy started yelling outside as the cops pinned him to the ground. Everyone ran to the windows and I had no idea what was going on because everything was in Hebrew… Slightly scary moment.

Beach Night

Around 10:30pm, my roomies and a few friends walked to the beach to chill with a hookah. We randomly ran into a bunch of other people from the program singing and playing guitar in the sand. It ended up being a really fun night.

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