Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm Here!

Oh, British Airways...

So when I checked in at JFK I found out my flight was 45 minutes late but the crazy lady wouldn't let me switch to an earlier one to make sure I caught my connector. I ended up sprinting through the London airport and made my flight by 3 minutes. My bags? Not so lucky. Hopefully they'll arrive early tomorrow morning so I have them before heading to Jerusalem where the program begins.

I met up with a fellow Gator, Joelle and we're in a cute hotel in the middle of Tel Aviv. The walk to the beach is only 15 minutes so that's definitely happening!

My Internship:

Beginning March 1st, I'll be volunteering with MES ( which manufactures medical equipment... okay, I'll say it - the products test SPERM. The company has a pretty sweet spermie logo, too.

I chose this position over another because the company has never had an IE. No metrics, no manufacturing schedules, no rhyme or reason. Don't worry, I'm here to save the day (but what else is new..?).

The plant is located in Caesarea, another beautiful city on the coast! My commute will be a bus and train ride so I may only work 3 days/week. I'll know more information after I visit on 2/10.


  1. Sounds like your trip is off to a good start! I remember when I was flying out of vegas to JFK, they wouldn't let me catch an earlier flight for "saftey reasons" with my luggage. They tried to charge me $50! Nonsense. Talk to you soon!

  2. You better update this damn blog already!!
