Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Israeli Politics Speaker

Today (Feb 9) I learned a few more words in Hebrew and I’m still trying to get used to the alefbet. I’m in need of some flashcard studying. After Ulpan I traveled to the shuk to get the final items to make my apartment feel like home. The dried fruit and nuts in the shuk are out of control delicious.

In the afternoon, Gil Hoffman spoke to our group about Israeli politics. The most important issue today is Iran where riots are still taking place due to last year’s election. When Netanyahu was elected, the world told him to take a diplomatic approach when dealing with Iran. France’s leader called Obama out at a UN meeting in September 2009 asking what they will do about the threat to a UN country which was all over the news. Netanyahu placed a 10-month settlement freeze on the West Bank, almost a deadline for Obama and the UN to end the current approach. This freeze ends September 25, 2010 which may be the beginning of military action.

When Obama met with the Palestinians, he compared their situation to the Holocaust or slavery in America. A poll in Israel was taken on Obama’s stand, the results were: Neutral – 30%, Against – 50%, For – 6%, else ultra Orthodox Jews who have never heard of Obama!

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